Earlier limited to the elite class only, green tea has now become popular amongst many. People are opting for green tea over their regular teas in the lookout for a healthy life. It has become a known substitute that is brimming with health benefits. It is rich in antioxidants that aid digestion and help in weight loss. The caffeine content in the green tea helps you in staying active for a rigorous workout session. But what about taste? Many would argue that green tea has an acquired taste that you develop as you drink. But there are certain flavours that make you delve into this healthy world with the very first sip. One such tasty flavour is – Tulsi Green Tea.
The unique combination of Tulsi and Green tea is delectable. It provides you with the combined benefits of two extraordinary things, which are:
- It helps in maintain cortisol levels.
- It helps in regulating blood flow.
- It helps in soothing agitated nerves.
- It aids in boosting the body’s metabolism.
- It aids the process of weight loss.
- It detoxifies the blood by reducing uric acid levels and prevents kidney stone.
- It aids in improving digestion.
- It helps in curing illness like common cold, fever, and sore throat.
- It promotes calmness and boosts immunity.
- It helps in clearing out acne and achieve flawless skin.
- It helps in relieving itchiness and soothes dry scalp.
Tulsi in itself is a great healer with numerous benefits, but when combined with green tea, their virtues multiply many folds.
What is the top rated brand for green tea?
The popularity of this beverage has increased the competition, but this only necessitates the need to look for the healthiest options. Leeford’s green teas are organically made and are packed with numerous health benefits. Its Tulsi Green Tea is amongst the favourites providing you with upmost taste and energy. It serves as a great source of anti-oxidants helping in your weight loss journey. Also, Leeford’s tea is well suited to hydrate your body and make you feel refreshed and calm throughout the day. This zero-calorie drink is also beneficial in supporting brain health.
So, why not try a hot brewed cup of Tulsi Green Tea from Leeford and start your journey to a healthy lifestyle?